Friday, January 24, 2014

Career Management

I saw an ad on the side of a bus for a "Career Management" service. That sparked my imagination, what could a private company do to manage my career ?

I suppose that it could work like the way a Chinese Medicine doctor used to be paid to keep their patients healthy, you only pay when you're in work and you're insured when you're out of work. The company could set you skills to acquire so that you always be employed. If your salary increases you pay more, so the company has an incentive to get you a pay rise.

However, I do seem to already have an incentive arrangement with the government! I mean, I pay my taxes and if I loose my job the government pays me - for a while anyway. So why isn't the gouvernment coaching me on my career options ?

This is the future: the government has an agency called Jobs For Ever. They know the salaries in all domains and the variations in all regions. They work to maximize my pay, because that maximizes their revenue. Every 5 years they give me 3 months training on everything I've missed from working in the trenches, and then recommend 5 career steps with probable outcomes. I move to the region where the best jobs with the best lifestyle. Workers feel respected and satisfied, employers know they can ramp production or skill-set up or down. When work is scarce the 3 months training can be extended, combined with holidays, a gentle transition to long term unemployment in the worst cases. But young people always have the same access to jobs as the oldies.

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